How does social media and gaming affect athletes’ performance?
Using social media or playing video games for just 30 minutes causes enough mental fatigue to impair athletic performance.
Using social media or playing video games for just 30 minutes causes enough mental fatigue to impair athletic performance.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a common co-occurring diagnosis for people who struggle with technology addiction or digital media overuse. Few therapists, however, are trained to recognize the wide array of characteristics that a person on the autism spectrum can present.
Kids playing outside used to be a common sight. But today it’s becoming exceedingly rare. Parents are fearful of allowing children to play outside unsupervised despite the fact that there’s never been a safer time to grow up. One reason might be our constant access to news. Researchers have correlated it with higher stress and a misperception that the world is more dangerous than ever.
To set healthy limits around your child’s digital media use, it helps to plan ahead. These guidelines are a great start.
By Ned Hepburn | January 24, 2013 Anyone who spends their day staring at screens can speak to the modern-day epidemic of eye fatigue. But what is our digital obsession doing to …
Mounting research indicates unrestricted use of technology (cell phones, internet, TV) by children is resulting in negative impact on physical and mental health, social well being, and academic performance, suggesting a …
Spending hours on the Internet may trigger depression, say researchers from Australia and China. Numerous studies have documented the link between mental illness and pathological Internet use, though the majority …
Brief Questionnaires to Assess for Addiction to the Internet and Video Games It is very likely you or your child is addicted to the Internet if most or all of …