The Internet, the News, and the End of Kids Playing Outside

Kids playing outside unsupervised is rare image of man holding child's hand outside

Kids playing outside used to be a common sight. But today it’s becoming exceedingly rare. Parents are fearful of allowing children to play outside unsupervised despite the fact that there’s never been a safer time to grow up. One reason might be our constant access to news. Researchers have correlated it with higher stress and a misperception that the world is more dangerous than ever.

Therapist Training Series: How the Internet Has Changed the Parent-Child Relationship

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Today’s parent-child relationship is one of 24-hour connectivity. How do teens feel about this new digital contract? Part 4 of a therapist training series on true digital natives. The first people in history born into an established, online, social structure.

internet addiction test

dMOS ™ The Digital Media Overuse Scale